Thursday, 21 February 2008


This clip is showing the asian parents as being really strict about education, and as it is mentionned in the title 'Typical Asian parents',it is therefore steretyping asian parents by showing them really caring and really concerned about their children's education, ad how they want them to be the best and to get into the best universities, mainly when the father was comparing his son to the child of the neighbours, which again shows how even his son got 4A's and only one B, he still wanted him to be perfect.
This feeling that is making them become like this is because they have faced problems in the past and didn't have succesfull lives, they want the best for their childeren and they want them to get higher positions such as lawyers, doctors etc...
this is the reason why most asians are steotyped as hardworking in schools, and have to achieve best grades, this stereotype can be seen as negative in some ways because if they don't get what expected they can be seen as lazy and not really hard working.
The funny thing shown in this clip is that evnethough he got really good grades the father is somehow frustrated and angry and wanted him to get perfect grades, and the other thing is when the mother tells him that he can't go to university as he is still 6 years old, this therfore shows the ignorance of the father and that he wanted his son to get good grades even at a very young age, and this shows how the parents are seen as uncivilsed and stupid as even if the child's got the best grades still wants him to get the perfect grades.
it is also showing the father as stupid when he says that he needs to do PHD and he didn't even take up the undergraduate course.
This pressure put on the child is therefore showing the british population that asians have to be the best in school and if they are not able to achieve that, they are seen as stupid and not really hard working.

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