Thursday 21 February 2008

3rd clip: Goodness Gracious me, Cheque please

This extract is called 'Cheque Please', it is showing the Indian men as being stupid and untrustworthy as he is betraying women like that and when saying cheque please, which might also show him as being poor when the women that he dated wanted to order something he says something stupid and that makes the women get angry and leave, it is showing how easy it is for him to date women like that and play them easily.
the negative thing that this clip might be representing all Asian men as being stupid and not really knowing what to say and also showing them as being untrustworthy and betraying.
this clip might also showing the Asian men as being poor as every time the women tries to order something he says cheque please. This representation is therefore showing how when Britain colonised India, it described it as being untrustworthy and uncivilised and this movie is somehow saying that those stereotypes still exist, even though the changes in society, there are still some Indians stereotyped in that way.

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