Thursday, 21 February 2008

3rd clip: Goodness Gracious me, Cheque please

This extract is called 'Cheque Please', it is showing the Indian men as being stupid and untrustworthy as he is betraying women like that and when saying cheque please, which might also show him as being poor when the women that he dated wanted to order something he says something stupid and that makes the women get angry and leave, it is showing how easy it is for him to date women like that and play them easily.
the negative thing that this clip might be representing all Asian men as being stupid and not really knowing what to say and also showing them as being untrustworthy and betraying.
this clip might also showing the Asian men as being poor as every time the women tries to order something he says cheque please. This representation is therefore showing how when Britain colonised India, it described it as being untrustworthy and uncivilised and this movie is somehow saying that those stereotypes still exist, even though the changes in society, there are still some Indians stereotyped in that way.


This clip is showing the asian parents as being really strict about education, and as it is mentionned in the title 'Typical Asian parents',it is therefore steretyping asian parents by showing them really caring and really concerned about their children's education, ad how they want them to be the best and to get into the best universities, mainly when the father was comparing his son to the child of the neighbours, which again shows how even his son got 4A's and only one B, he still wanted him to be perfect.
This feeling that is making them become like this is because they have faced problems in the past and didn't have succesfull lives, they want the best for their childeren and they want them to get higher positions such as lawyers, doctors etc...
this is the reason why most asians are steotyped as hardworking in schools, and have to achieve best grades, this stereotype can be seen as negative in some ways because if they don't get what expected they can be seen as lazy and not really hard working.
The funny thing shown in this clip is that evnethough he got really good grades the father is somehow frustrated and angry and wanted him to get perfect grades, and the other thing is when the mother tells him that he can't go to university as he is still 6 years old, this therfore shows the ignorance of the father and that he wanted his son to get good grades even at a very young age, and this shows how the parents are seen as uncivilsed and stupid as even if the child's got the best grades still wants him to get the perfect grades.
it is also showing the father as stupid when he says that he needs to do PHD and he didn't even take up the undergraduate course.
This pressure put on the child is therefore showing the british population that asians have to be the best in school and if they are not able to achieve that, they are seen as stupid and not really hard working.


This video called 'Rehabilation', is about Mrs Kapoor went to see the doctor, but the test turned out that she is not anymore following the indian culture and she really got frustrated about that, this therefore shows how asians are really attached to their culture and it is a big problem for them not to be atatched to their culture.
This clip is somehow showing the white people as being weak, becasue when she is acting as a british person at the begining when the doctor punched her she screamed, but the second time when she became asian again, when the doctor punshed her she didn't scream, this therefore shows how the asians are superior than white people.
this shows how asians even if they are far from their country, they are still attached to their culture, and that it is a shame for them to get integrated within the british culture.
This clip also stereotypes the indians, when she started dancing and wearing the asian dress, this therefore stereotypes them with those features.
the funny thing which is shown is when she knows that she lacks the indian culture, she got really frustrated and got scared when he mentioned the operation, this now shows the indians as being uncevilised and weak as she is scared of the operation.

Sunday, 10 February 2008


  • The BBC'S annual report shows that its representation of the general minorities is more than the representation of the asian representation.
  • 70% of the asian population have sky digital or cable TV in their homes
  • 2/3 of asian viewersis made up of asian interest channels.
  • Asians pay more on TV and on other new technologies, such as DVD's, mobile phones.
  • new arrivals of south-asians watch rarely british TV, such as Anjan Kumar watches only Zee tv, because they can relate back to their culture and identify with them.
  • 4.5 million british-asians pay tv licence on something which they are not longer watching.
  • the BBC has boosted on screen representation.
  • recruitment of black and asian presenteres on youth programmes.
  • these audiences are optimistic and want change and they want interesting programmes rather than documentaries on Racism.
  • 83% of black womens and 71% watch tv soaps compared to 56%of white people. mainly East-Enders.
  • TV news fouund a deep black of trust in british and american tv news expressed by british muslims.
  • Ofcom was to have 'the different interests' of people in different parts of the u.k, this will lead to equal employement oppurtonities.
  • London provides for 328,000 across Europe and the middle east soaps from india.
  • Zee TV before its launch in 1995, south asian viewers didnt have dramas and bollywood movies and news.
  • 2.5% of the population used to watch mainstream TV.
  • the language factor counts in their favour of channels, which is targeted at younger viewers.
  • they do understand their language but dont speak it, so they watch more english channel.


  • the launch of the guide to ethbic minorities.
  • diversity-word to identigy political correctness and some positive discrimination.
  • 2001 census: 50% growth of ethnic minorities, compared to the census of 1991
  • however white communities seem to drop
  • ethnic minorities mainly British-Asians are seen as hardworking, asporitional, and economically powerful (2nd and 3rd generations are from this type of category and are also proud of their culture)
  • key facts: 72% of south-Asians pay TV-HOMES,but only 39% of the U.K population.
  • 74% have mobile phones compared to 69%
  • 70% own computer compared to 57%
  • 57% have internet compared to 47%
  • 46% own a DVD player compared to 30%
  • in the past decade there has been an enormous growth in ethnic minority media
  • asians and black people are turned into mainstream media, they watch media which is targeted at them and which represent their culture.
  • because of the change of british consumers in the media, Britain is now seen as a multicultural city, so if there is the the pink pound and grey pound, there must be the brown pound.

Monday, 4 February 2008


  • it has been ten amazing years for british asians, becasue of the improvemnts of the artistic output for the 2nd and 3rd genreation asians.
  • many british asians have expressed their identity with artists such as cornershops, etc... which all had an impact on the mainstream
  • Nitin Sawhney- i've always viewed this country's cultural diversity as symptom of true strength and developemnt.
  • artists from differnt backgrounds are in the 'world music', allowing these artists to infleunce the mainstream.
  • goodness gracious me was the first movie to be recognised by the bbc.
  • Anita and me, has recieved mainstream support

the question isn;t why is this all happening, but why has it taken so long?

Sunday, 3 February 2008


  • BBC is improving its news coverage of ethnic minorities, to appeal to audiences which have been neglected before.
  • the BBC Asian network is expanding on its news operation over the whole country.
  • Ceri Thomas-head of news- that the correspondent would cover the Afro-Caribbean communities in particular, rather than ethnic minorities in general.
  • network X,setting up of the new department of the black music, it will run hourly news mainly aimed at its target audiences.
  • the Asian network has its own team of journalists, it has it own target audience, but it has been said that the BBC national news operation doesn't make enough news use of the Asian network's specialist knowledge.
  • Sunrise radio, the biggest commercial broadcaster directed at ethnic minorities, proposed to stop the use of the word 'Asians' following complaints from hindus and sikh, they said that they were closely associated with muslims, adn being targated following the 9/11 attacks.


  • success of multicultural entertainment such as Bend it like Beckham, East is East, Kumars at n42, prove that these multicultural entertainment is now entrenched in the UK's mainstream media.
  • 78% of people think that other races are better represented on television, compared to 10 years ago.
  • 67% of asians and blacks said that it has improved.
  • but in someways there is still a bit to go before britain's multicultural society is fully represented.
  • black and asian said it is hard for them to get in the media, than it is for whites.
  • lack of ethnic minorities in decision making posts.
  • "we live in a multi-cultural society but we dont represent it on screen"- Diane Parish
  • BBC began attracting ethnic viewers, but mainly aimed at a niche audience
  • ethnic minorities are represented a lot in comedy programmes.

Black actors win more TV roles:

  • portray of ethnic minorities is still low on britsh television
  • a significant increase of ethnic minorities in TV soaps.
  • Casualty, EastEnders, Crossroads and Night and day, represent a really good cultural diversity.
  • less screen portrayal on screen, the Annual conference of the cultural diversity network have promoted the serious concerns about less showing of other races on news programmes.
  • Television networks, present only simlplistic, and one sided picture of britain's racial problems.
  • manegers and decision makers do not have a multi-cultural knowledge and experiences, meaning that racism is going on our everyday lives.
  • Greg Dyke: there isn't enough ethnic minorities in senior positions. there are still white faces at the top, or known as 'hideously white'
  • Andrea Wonfor-Granada TV, appointing ethnic minorities in senir positions could be slow, as it was slow for women to have top positions.
  • peter salmon-director of BBC's sport corporation, in this area the staff from ethnic minorities has slightly risen from 8% in 2000to 8.5%in 2001, which was a national average, but mainly in London, were ethnic minorities are higher.
  • quarter of the actors in TV soaps are from ethnic minorities and 13% of EastEnders characters.
  • Fauzia Ahmed-socilogist-urged broadcasters to appoint correspondants from ethnic minorities, they would have a better understanding of the different cultures in britain.
  • Samira Shah- there are a lot of things that british journalists don't know about because of the lack of other races involved in the newsrooms.
  • Roger Mosey-BBC's head of television news- there are a number of senior editors from ethnic minorities and there would be a progress.but they should be appointed on a merit.


  • BBC-risen from 8% to 8.5%
  • ITV-producers must adress diversity in their programmes, Carlton has established a talent database and provides administrative support to the cultural diversity networks.
  • Granada offers bursaries for other races, GMTV aims to have third of trainees from black and asian applicants.
  • channel4: must meet multicultural objectives, and it is launching a diversity database.
  • channel5-independent producers have to include an ethnical diverse cast and crew.
  • ITN-have hasd diversity awarness training
  • BSKYB- recruitment staff have had diversity training.