Saturday 19 April 2008

Time line 1960's:

Social Issues:

called the 'Age of Youth' which were the children from the post war of the 'Baby Boom'.

These youths wanted change, and they succeeded to have change in different areas such as: education, values, lifesyles, laws and entertainment.

Feminism began- Women were still being under-represented, but the movement was able to achieve a lot for females.

Issue such as racism and women became important in America.

Music became important as it described the social issues that were happening.

Media Issues:

Star Trek: which is seen as the Phenomenon movie of the 60's.

It improved a lot the representations of women, however there was still no equality between females and males. This is happening due to the fact that womens are still being represented as sex objects and house wives.

Music has introduced different styles of music, such as Rock, Soul, Folk.

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