Saturday, 19 April 2008

Time line 1950's:

Social Issues:

John Gofman who was an American Doctor- discovered a hypothesis that blood Cholesterol was to blame for the rise of heart disease.
1950's- (Anti-Catholicism in America)- the end of years were the White catholics were seen by white anti-catholics as a dangerous
Education rate grew in the UK and the US, as there was a demand of high school and college education.
The growth of the 'Nuclear Families'.
The formation of the Union of Australian Women : aims of working for world peace and the rights of women and children. This union had many corporations and it succeeded in improving many things such as: Equal Pay between males and females.

Economic Issues:

The 50's was seen as the start of 'Japan's Postwar Economic Miracle' that lasted until the 90's, this was Japan's economic growth, where Japan has over taken all the European economies and 20% of the U.S economy, which was also known as the 'Losing Economic Hegemony'.

Political Issues:

The Cold War throughout the whole decade, between the Soviet Union and the USA.

Media Issues:

Introduction of television and new genres of music such as: Rock and Roll.

End of Hollywood's Golden Age.
'I love Lucky' which was produced in the 50's, which is about family representation and how during that time families had a good living standard, by the help of different Aid groups, which helped in the growth of Education and helped improve different jobs.
Only white faces were being represented in the media, however by the creation of the Civil Right Movements, black and the other ethnic minorities started occurring in the media but only for Comic Relief Programmes, but in movies they were still far from being represented.
Women in the USA during the 50's formed more than 50%, however males still outnumbered in the media.

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